Why Spurgeon
Our culture tells you to live for yourself. We want you to spend your life spreading God’s glory across the earth, wherever you’re called to be. Prepare at Spurgeon College to live a life for the Kingdom.
Soul-Care Focused
Your Soul Matters
At Spurgeon College, we’re committed to investing deeply in who you are and who God has called you to be. As a student at Spurgeon, you’ll experience firsthand an intentional and wholistic approach to student care, from the classroom to the dorm room.

Anchored in the Local Church
The Heart of Discipleship
We firmly believe that the local church is at the heart of God’s plan for His people. That’s why we seek to anchor your discipleship and community in the local church rather than only on campus.

Rooted in Scripture
30-Hour Biblical Core
Our commitment to Scripture is at the center of who we are at Spurgeon College. From the classroom to the athletic field, your experience at Spurgeon will always be rooted in Scripture and how Scripture transforms our spiritual and academic growth. Every degree at Spurgeon includes a 30-hour biblical core designed to help you know and love the Lord and His Church more.
Cohort Culture
Preparing students for a lifetime of leadership in the church.
We train students to serve the Church and reach the nations for God’s glory in a variety of disciplines including biblical studies, theology, biblical counseling, worship ministry, preaching, and other ministry-specific callings.
So Others May Hear and Live
Spurgeon College’s Fusion cohort offers intensive training and preparation for students called to overseas missions.
For the Kingdom in a Secular World
The marketplace cohort is for those students committed to being a light in a dark place. This cohort pairs with our marketplace degree programs and will equip students to live on mission in their workplace.
Prepare for Ministry Faster
Do you feel called to ministry and are eager to be trained? The Accelerate Program at Spurgeon College offers you the ability to complete your bachelors and masters degrees in five years. Accelerate combines rigorous theological education with practical ministry training.