For the Kingdom

Spurgeon College Cohorts

Community. Competition.

Each year, the four Spurgeon College cohorts compete for the honor of winning the Spurgeon College Cohort Cup. Cohorts earn points through their performance in five categories: Campus Engagement, Academics, Community Service, Intramurals, and Cohort Olympics.

What Are They


The Spurgeon College Cohorts are designed to strengthen students’ on-campus experience through enhanced discipleship, focused study, and intentional community. Each cohort gathers regularly for fellowship, discussion related to their field, and to grow in their respective disciplines. Each cohort is be led by a staff coordinator and male and female student cohort captains.

people outside in a group
a crowd in a gym

What They Do


Every year each cohort will participate in a year-long competition to win the Cohort Cup. Throughout the year, cohort members can earn points toward the Cohort Cup through academic achievement, engagement in campus events, community service, participation in intramural sports, and performance at the annual Cohort Olympics events.

two men reading books with coffee at a table
a group of girls on a night out
a crowd cheering
a group of girls outside for a picture

What They Offer


At Spurgeon College, intentional discipleship is woven into the fabric of our community. Through Spurgeon Cohorts, students forge deep bonds while growing in devotion and fellowship. Every student is enrolled in our Christian Life & Worldview certificate program, receiving instruction in vital spiritual disciplines. Our aim is clear: to equip students for impactful ministry and a purpose-driven life, all for the glory and advancement of God’s Kingdom.

men in red shirts supporting their team
a crowd cheering for their teams

The Cohorts

The Ministry Cohort prepares students for a lifetime of leadership in the church. Spurgeon College ministry graduates are prepared to serve the church and reach the nations for God’s glory in a variety of disciplines, including biblical studies, theology, biblical counseling, worship ministry, and other ministry-specific disciplines.

Cohort Change Request Form

The Fusion Cohort exists to equip students to help fulfill the Great Commission. Beginning in 2005, the Fusion program equips participants to cultivate a close-knit community through spiritual, physical, cultural, and academic preparation, resulting in overseas missions. Through Fusion, students can spend their first year of college training for and going to the mission field.

Cohort Change Request Form

The Marketplace Cohort is designed to root students in God’s unchanging Word while equipping them for a successful career in the world. Spurgeon College marketplace graduates serve the common good and expand Christ’s Kingdom as business leaders, communications professionals, journalists, educators, graphic designers, and more.

Cohort Change Request Form

The Accelerate Cohort is an innovative program designed to combine rigorous academic study with practical ministry preparation. Accelerate students earn their bachelor’s and master’s degrees in five years of intense study. Participants can study in various disciplines including pastoral ministry, biblical counseling, missions, Christian education, and more.

Cohort Change Request Form