Fusion Impact

Fusion Impact

Fusion Impact is a summer missions training and sending program created for high school students. It functions like a mini version of the Fusion Program. The core objective is to provide first steps for students toward a lifetime of making disciples for God’s glory.

Fusion Impact seeks to transform high school students into young leaders by providing the opportunity to go and make disciples among unreached people groups. Students will be sent to work among such unreached peoples either internationally or in Kansas City, Missouri.

Fusion Impact students will be called to embrace their identity as ambassadors of Christ’s eternal Kingdom- not only for a summer, but for the rest of their lives!

Cost How to Apply Submit Application Important Dates FAQ



The Fusion Leadership team is aware of the great responsibility that comes with the training and sending young adults. In response, they are dedicated to excellence as they seek to mobilize high school students for a lifetime of faithfulness.

Life-on-Life Discipleship

Life-on-life discipleship within Fusion Impact serves to propel high school students forward in learning what it means to follow Jesus for the rest of their lives.

Fusion Impact students will be placed on a gender specific team called a cohort. Cohorts will be comprised of two or three high school students and an advocate who will lead the cohort. It is within this cohort structure that life-on-life discipleship will take place. These teams will participate in the Ready Week training together, take the Gospel to unreached people groups together, and debrief together at the end of the program.

Fusion Impact advocates will be chosen with great care as they will be trusted to lead the cohorts practically as well as spiritually. Fusion Impact advocates will disciple with diligence and lead their cohorts into the field with competence. Life-on-life discipleship looks like an advocate saying to his or her team, “Come with me as I follow Jesus!”

Adequate Training

Fusion Impact will be sending high school students to places that have great need for the Gospel. However, Fusion Impact will not be sending students to the kinds of hard places that the Fusion program targets. The main reason for this is that adequate training for such locations cannot be acquired during the week-long preparation of Training Week.

However, Fusion Impact students will receive the base-level training and preparation that is required for international travel. Cohorts will be equipped and sent as competent, dependable coworkers for our missionaries on the field.

Core Missionary Task

Fusion Impact seeks to send cohorts into the field for a short period of time (approximately 30 days). Nonetheless, Fusion Impact cohorts can make a genuine contribution to the long-term missionary efforts ongoing among an unreached people group. Fusion Impact students will come alongside long-term workers to partner with them in the core missionary task: entry, evangelism, discipleship, church formation, leadership development, and exit.

Important Dates

April 30

Payment Deadline

June 17-21

Training Week

June 22


July 22-25


July 26


Cost and Application

Join our teams in taking the Gospel to lost people groups scattered throughout Europe and North Africa. You will serve under one of our Fusion IMPACT Advocates through a process of life-on-life discipleship and missional living as you go through our training, deployment, and debrief, and are equipped to live as ambassadors for Christ for the rest of your lives!


Current High School Juniors and Older

From the cobblestone streets of England to the French canals, join our teams in taking the Gospel to Western Europe. From local Europeans to North Africans of the diaspora, you will be tasked with Gospel stewardship alongside long-term IMB teams around the world. Serving under one of our Fusion IMPACT Advocates, you will walk through a process of life-on-life discipleship and missional living as you are trained, deployed, and equipped to live as ambassadors for Christ, not just for a summer, but for the rest of your lives!

France Men’s Application

England Ladies Application

Cost: $4,500

  • Training/Debrief Expenses
  • Food and Lodging
  • Visas and Airfare
  • Ministry Expense
  • $350 non-refundable deposit


  • 5 Days of Training
  • 29 Days on the Field
  • 5 Days of Debrief

North Africa

Current High School Juniors and Older

Join our teams working in the coastal market towns of North Africa. From conversations in chai shops and markets to meals shared in desert villages, work alongside IMB teams in taking the Gospel to the coasts of North Africa. Serving under one of our Fusion IMPACT Advocates, you will walk through a process of life-on-life discipleship and missional living as you are trained, deployed, and equipped to live as ambassadors for Christ, not just for a summer, but for the rest of your lives

North Africa Ladies Application

Cost: $4,500

  • Training/Debrief Expenses
  • Food and Lodging
  • Visas and Airfare
  • Ministry Expense
  • $350 non-refundable deposit


  • 5 Days of Training
  • 29 Days on the Field
  • 5 Days of Debrief

Arab Gulf

Current High School Juniors and Older

Join our team in taking the Gospel to the epicenter of the westernized Muslim world. Work alongside long-term IMB missionaries in one of the most modernized cities in the Arab Gulf. Serving under one of our Fusion IMPACT Advocates, you will walk through a process of life-on-life discipleship and missional living as you are trained, deployed, and equipped to live as ambassadors for Christ, not just for a summer, but for the rest of your lives!

Arab Gulf Men’s Application

Cost: $5,350

  • Training/Debrief Expenses
  • Food and Lodging
  • Visas and Airfare
  • Ministry Expense
  • $350 non-refundable deposit


  • 5 Days of Training
  • 29 Days on the Field
  • 5 Days of Debrief

North America

Alaska- Current High School Freshmen and Older
San Francisco – 16 years old and up

Join our teams in taking the Gospel across the continent. From the streets of San Francisco to the fishing towns of Alaska, you will serve under one of our Fusion IMPACT Advocates through a process of life-on-life discipleship and missional living as you are trained, deployed, and equipped to live as ambassadors for Christ, not just for a summer, but for the rest of your lives!

Alaska Men’s Application

Cost: $3,500

  • Training/Debrief Expenses
  • Food and Lodging
  • Airfare
  • Ministry Expense
  • $250 non-refundable deposit


  • 5 Days of Training
  • 29 Days on the Field
  • 5 Days of Debrief

IMPACT Interest Form

Students who wish to apply/participate in Fusion Impact must be current high school freshmen or older.

Complete Fusion Impact Interest Form

Contact Fusion Impact Staff with other questions or needs:

[email protected]

faded map of the world

Frequently Asked Questions

Fusion Impact is a summer missions training and sending program created for high school students. Fusion Impact exists to call students to embrace their identity as followers of Christ and spur them on to a lifetime of faithfulness. Intentionality and discipleship within the cohort will be the major tools used to produce these outcomes.

Fusion Impact students will be placed on gender specific teams called cohorts. These cohorts will include two or three high school students and an advocate who will lead the cohort for the duration of the program. The teams will be assembled in the spring and will walk through the program together all the way to the conclusion of debrief.

The advocate is the leader of the cohort. This role is incredibly important and wise selection of our advocates will be of upmost importance. The advocates will be chosen to lead cohorts because they are trusted to disciple with diligence and lead their cohorts overseas or in Kansas City with competence.

For North America deployment, students must be 14 or older.

For International Deployment, students must be 16 or older.

Both training week and Debrief will take place in Kansas City, MO.

5001 N Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64118

Teams will be sent to work alongside missionaries in North America or abroad alongside IMB missionaries.

Meals for the duration of the program (from Training Week to Debrief) are included in the total cost and will therefore be provided.

Fusion Impact teams must be competent, dependable coworkers for our missionaries. International travel with Fusion Impact requires that students receive a base-level of training before deployment. Therefore, Training Week will be a required week of training to prepare cohorts for overseas work.

Fusion Impact will be sending high school students to places that have great need for the Gospel. However, Fusion Impact will not be sending students to the kinds of hard places that the Fusion program targets. The main reason for this is that adequate training for such locations cannot be acquired during the week-long preparation of Training Week. However, Fusion Impact students will receive the base-level training and preparation that is required for international travel. Cohorts will be equipped and sent as competent, dependable coworkers for our missionaries on the field.

During the final week of Fusion Impact, cohorts will debrief their experiences on the field. Both Kansas City and International cohorts will participate. This time will be invaluable to the cohorts as they conclude their time together and step forward into what the Lord has next.

Fusion Impact Dates of Importance:
Fusion Impact | [email protected]

Fusion Impact Graduate