What We Believe
For the Kingdom
As an institution of the Southern Baptist Convention, Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College is guided by a board of trustees elected by the Convention in its annual sessions. The trustees in turn elect faculty members and administrative officers. Upon election to the faculty, each professor subscribes to the current edition of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 statement.
Each of our faculty members participates in a local Southern Baptist church, teaching classes, serving as a deacon, or leading a congregation as an interim pastor. On campus, our faculty is dedicated to equipping men and women in a variety of Christian ministries and is committed to the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College students come from a wide variety of cultural, economic, and geographical backgrounds. Like our faculty and staff, our students are committed to theological education in preparation for the practice of ministry. Midwestern Seminary has awarded more than 3,500 theological degrees.
Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College derives the majority of its financial support from the SBC Cooperative Program. In addition to Cooperative Program funds and student fees, alumni gifts and endowments from special friends enable the school to further its far-reaching ministry.