Night for the Nations

Fusion is holding missions emphasis nights around the country called “Night for the Nations”. These nights were born out of the overflow of the passions and experiences of Fusion alumni who have served around the globe among unreached peoples in hard places.

What is Night for the Nations? What can you expect?
Night for the Nations is a means by which Fusion alumni are seeking to inspire and mobilize the next generation to leverage their lives for the glory of God among all nations.

During a Night for the Nations, you can expect a role-play simulated environment that will involve your entire youth group in cross-cultural worship. Imagine worshiping together alongside a man dressed in an Arab thobe or a woman in a hijab. Imagine studying the Scriptures by candlelight, recognizing that gathering in Christ’s Name in a persecuted country could come at a cost. Imagine hearing other languages being spoken around you, facing the reality of a language barrier. Finally, imagine hearing the testimony of a young man or young woman who risked it all in order to trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

Countless high school students have been gripped by the glory of God, the gospel of Christ, and the needs of this globe through Night for the Nations.

Where did Night for the Nations come from? What is the driving motive behind Night for the Nations?
The leaders of Night for the Nations are college students who have recently returned from a semester trip among unreached peoples. Many of them are preparing to serve among the unreached in the very near future. Through their example and their personal stories, Fusion hopes to inspire young believers to similarly leverage their gifts, abilities, and careers to see Christ made famous in the nations.

While we are unashamedly going to encourage students to consider joining Fusion and getting their education at Spurgeon College, our aim is broader than that. We hope to mobilize young believers by helping them chart next steps toward a life of obedience to Christ. For some, the next step is to read their Bible daily. For others, the next step will be to consider a short-term mission trip. Missionaries are not developed overnight, so we hope to mobilize these young believers to simply take one step forward in obedience to Christ.

How do I sign up for a visit?

Fusion would be honored to invest in your youth group. Our reward is to point your students to treasure Jesus and make disciples who make disciples. We pride ourselves in our flexibility, so we’re willing to consider last minute requests. Lastly, no group is too small. We’re happy to visit youth groups with only five students or fewer.

In order to request a team to visit your youth group, please fill out the following form:

Church Address*
What type of event would you be interested in?*
Would your church be willing to provide a gas stipend for our team traveling to you?*
Your answer will not affect our willingness to travel to you, but will help us plan accordingly.
Would your church be willing to provide a hotel room/s for our team if you are farther than 4 hours away from Kansas City, MO?*
Would your church be willing to provide a meal for our team traveling to you the night of your event?*
(i.e. start/end time, number of students, age range, how to find the room the youth meet in, etc.)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.