Spurgeon College Residence Hall
Are you ready to live on campus?
You’re in the right place! Spurgeon College campus housing offers current full-time residential students safe, convenient, and affordable housing. Last fall, Spurgeon announced the renovations of the Spurgeon College Residence Hall for students. The Residence Hall is a great place to prepare for a lifetime of ministry through fellowship, events, and activities for students.
Here’s an important reminder for all new incoming Spurgeon College residential students joining us in the Fall semester: If you’ve paid your enrollment deposit, please submit your housing application by May 1st to secure priority housing. For those starting in the Spring semester, submit your housing application by November 1st.
Additionally, any new incoming Spurgeon College residential students who didn’t pay the enrollment deposit should still complete their housing application and pay the $100.00 to be considered for a housing assignment. Housing assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
Frequently Asked Questions
Residence Hall housing is comprised of shared block suites, consisting of two rooms, with a common bath/shower facility. Two students are assigned per room, totaling four students per shared block suite.
No food storage or warming devices are allowed in the rooms of the dormitory. The undergraduate semester housing fee includes meals. Please coordinate with your roommate regarding small household items for your room.
The 2023-2024 Room and Board costs $4,945/semester.
The semester housing fee is all inclusive – room, meals, electricity, gas, trash, water. Public Wi-Fi & basic cable are available in the lounge area. Single student undergraduate housing rates are per semester and are due by the first day of class. A $100 per student – non-family housing deposit is required with submission of the housing application. All rates are subject to change at the discretion of MBTS Administration.
Students under the age of 21 are required to live on-campus, in the dormitory, or with an immediate blood relative within a 50-mile radius.
Undergraduate single students who apply for housing will automatically be assigned to the dorm. Once the facility reaches capacity, elder undergraduates may be assigned to other non-family accommodations as available.
Undergraduate students, age 21 or over, may request available, alternative single-student housing. Such requests will only be considered when accompanied by an exception request. Availability, among other considerations, will be a determining factor in the approval process for such requests. All requests will be considered, but not all will be granted. MBTS/SC does NOT allow pets unless it is a documented service/emotional support animal and has been approved by submission of an Exception Request.
Eligibility requires you to be a full-time residential student:
- Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least 12 hours per semester, 9 hours must be on-campus classes
An exception request must be submitted and approved to reside or continue residing on campus outside these parameters. A 30-day vacate notice is required from any resident who does not meet these requirements or who does not possess an approved exception request.
Housing is assigned based on the following criteria:
- Availability
- Chronological order in which your application and housing deposit are received
- Requested occupancy date
- Undergraduate student
To increase the possibility of receiving an offer by your requested move-in date, please submit a Housing Application at least 6 months in advance of need. The Housing Coordinator will communicate with you through your mbts.edu student email regarding the status of your application and the apartment availability. Housing offers commence in mid-June for the fall semester and in mid-November for the spring semester. Subsequent assignments may be made throughout the year, as available.
Any current resident or applicant may request an exception to any of our housing policies by completing the Housing Exception Form. All requests will be considered, but not all requests may be granted.
- Standard twin bed provided for each resident
- 3 drawer dresser provided for each resident
- Desk & chair for each resident, as available
- Microwave and 2-burner cooktop in the lounge areas on each floor, for use by all residents on that floor
- Refrigerator provided on each floor, for use by residents on that floor
- Coin-operated laundry located on:
- 2nd floor for male residents
Lower level for female resident
- 2nd floor for male residents
- Public Wi-Fi is available throughout the building, included in the semester fee
- TV with Basic Cable is provided in the lounge areas, included in the semester fee
- Bike rack and grills provided outside
You can apply for housing using your Spurgeon College student email account here.