Why Interdisciplinary Studies?
Increased Understanding of
Christian Worldview in Relation to the Natural and
Social World
Spurgeon College’s interdisciplinary studies program offers students the ability and ease of completing their degree from a Christian worldview.

What You’ll Learn
Spurgeon College’s Interdisciplinary Studies program grants students a broad learning experience and a wider perspective than that provided by traditional undergraduate majors. This degree is designed to offer students the opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary, academically sound, and
goal-oriented education.

Program Information
Coursework and Outcomes
Explore the courses that are included in the Interdisciplary Studies program at Spurgeon College. Students in this program must complete 120 credit hours of coursework to graduate.- BN170 Introduction to Business and Finance 3 hrs
- CM110 Introduction to Public Speaking 3 hrs
- GE101 English Composition I 3 hrs
- GE102 English Composition II 3 hrs
- GE135 Quantitative Reasoning 3 hrs
- GE185 Introduction to Physical Science 3 hrs
- GE240 Survey of Western Literature 3 hrs
- GS101 Foundations of Kingdom Success 3 hrs
- HM300 Introduction to Philosophy 3 hrs
- HM344 Christianity and the Arts 3 hrs
- HS210 or HS211 American History I or II 3 hrs
- HT200 Introduction to Ethics 3 hrs
- HT411 World Religions 3 hrs
- PY100 Introduction to Psychology
- BS115 Old Testament Survey I
- BS116 Old Testament Survey II
- BS117 New Testament Survey I
- BS118 New Testament Survey II
- BS204 Introduction to Hermeneutics
- HT112 Church History I
- HT113 Church History II
- HT350 Christian Doctrine I
- HT351 Christian Doctrine II
- HT450 The Church
- MN201 Personal Evangelism and Discipleship
- MS201 Global Missions
- 15 of these hours must be taken from upper-level courses
(300-400 level)
This program offers students 12 hours of elective credit throughout their program.
- GS495 Portfolio (Optional)
Students graduating with the Interdisciplinary Studies major will be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate an increased understanding of Christian worldview in relation to the natural and social world.
- Demonstrate skill in communicating biblical truth by interpreting Scripture using appropriate hermeneutical and historically informed principles.
- Demonstrate an increased understanding of the theological and biblical foundations of Christian engagement through interdisciplinary study along with an appreciation of liberal arts.