Why Graphic Design?
Creative Arts and the Glory of God
Spurgeon College’s graphic design program recognizes the beauty given to man by God and seeks to equip students to use their creativity and artistry for His glory.

What You’ll Learn
Creative Skillsets for the Marketplace
Spurgeon College’s Graphic Design program equips students with functional and applicable knowledge to enter the field of graphic design. This 120-hour program prepares graduates for careers in both ministry and non-ministry vocations.

Program Information
Coursework and Outcomes
Explore the courses that are included in the Graphic Design program at Spurgeon College. Students in this program must complete 123 credit hours of coursework to graduate.- BN170 Introduction to Business and Finance
- CM110 Introduction to Public Speaking
- GE101 English Composition I
- GE102 English Composition II
- GE135 Quantitative Reasoning
- GE185 Introduction to Physical Science
- GE240 Survey of Western Literature
- GS101 Foundations of Kingdom Success
- HM300 Introduction to Philosophy
- HM344 Christianity and the Arts
- HS210 or HS211 American History I or II
- HT200 Introduction to Ethics
- HT411 World Religions
- PY100 Introduction to Psychology
- BS115 Old Testament Survey I
- BS116 Old Testament Survey II
- BS117 New Testament Survey I
- BS118 New Testament Survey II
- BS204 Introduction to Hermeneutics
- HT112 Church History I
- HT113 Church History II
- HT350 Christian Doctrine I
- HT351 Christian Doctrine II
- HT450 The Church
- MN201 Personal Evangelism and Discipleship
- MS201 Global Missions
- GR101 Introduction to Visual Art
- GR105 Foundations of Drawing & Design
- GR110 Art History I
- GR111 Art History II
- GR201 Bitmap Techniques
- GR203 Vector Techniques
- GR205 Motion Techniques
- GR210 Graphic Design Studio I
- GR310 Graphic Design Studio II
- GR313 Graphic Design Studio III
- GR215 Typography I
- GR218 Motion Design I
- GR420 Capstone I: Proposal & Project
- GR422 Capstone II: Portfolio & Presentation
This program offers students 6 hours of elective credit throughout their program.
Choose 1 from below:
- GR322 Digital Photography
- GR327 Web Design for the Graphic Designer
- GR315 Typography II
- GR318 Motion Design II
Choose 1 from below:
- GR410 Graphic Design Studio IV
- GR415 Graphic Design Internship
Students graduating with the Graphic Design major will be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate an understanding of graphic design principles, processes, and techniques.
- Demonstrate technical and creative skills in the discipline of graphic design.
- Develop and produce a cohesive, consistent, and comprehensive high-quality graphic design collection.
- Identify potential ministry application of graphic design.